MSI B150M MORTAR Hackintosh i3 6100 Ventura Opencore

i3 6100 Skylake-S MSI B150M MORTAR terinstall Ventura 13.4 bootloader Opencore 0.9.4 hackintosh

i3 6100 Skylake-S hackintosh Opencore MSI B150M MORTAR VGA RX 590. Intel Gen 6 Berhasil ter install Ventura 13.4 bootloader Opencore 0.9.4. finally post install hackintosh.

MSI B150M MORTAR Hackintosh i3 6100 Ventura Opencore
MSI B150M MORTAR Hackintosh i3 6100 Ventura Opencore
MSI B150M MORTAR Hackintosh i3 6100 Ventura Opencore
MSI B150M MORTAR Hackintosh i3 6100 Ventura Opencore

Spesifikasi Hackintosh:

Mainboard MSI B150M MORTAR (MS-7972) Intel B150 (Skylake PCH-H)
Cpu i3 6100 3,70GHZ _PR.CPU0 2 Core Skylake-S
Gpu RX 590 PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_67DF&SUBSYS_22F11458&REV_E7 _SB.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP
Audio HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0892&SUBSYS_1462F972&REV_1003
Ethernet PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_79721462&REV_15 _SB.PCI0.RP10.PXSX
SATA PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A102&SUBSYS_79721462&REV_31 _SB.PCI0.SAT0


Sound internal ✅
Cpu SpeedStep ✅
Powermanagement ✅
Internal HD Garphics Compute ✅
External Graphics enable H264/H265QECI
Ethernet ✅
DRM Iservice ✅
Restart/Shootdown/Sleep ✅
USB 3.0/3.1 XHC high speed 480 Mbps Super speed 5 Gbps ✅

Order EFI + Service Install hackintosh in here

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