Download EFI Zip file, how to download step
How to download EFI zip file from this website. The first thing you find is specifications that match or almost match the specifications of your PC/laptop. Look for it on the Repository page. Or if you don’t find it you can request EFI zip for download. Once you find it, you can immediately subscribe. Or pay using the payment button or PayPal below the description or post that I have prepared.
1.Go to Repository Install Page Or Store Page and Select your Spesification of PC / laptop
2. On the post repo page, you swipe down and there will be a PayPal icon, you can pay, or if you need local payment, contact the WhatsApp page in the top menu of the website.
3. you will be directed to the payment menu, and after you pay you will be automatically directed to the Google Drive download page
4. So, after the payment is complete, it will automatically go to Google Drive to download the files that have been provided based on the specifications you have and want
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